Optimize Your Business:
Elevate Your Life

Small business strategy and management services tailored to your personal and professional goals, to boost productivity, slash costs, and build your business without burning out.

We believe true success lies in balancing financial growth with a harmonious work environment.

That's why our scalable suite of small business optimization and management services focus on the health and well-being of the business—and the people who run it.

By keeping our eyes on the bigger picture (your health, wealth, and happiness), we help you streamline your operations, stabilize your finances, and employ a competent team that realizes your dreams without sacrificing your sanity.


360º business assessments and realistic action plans custom-tailored to your values, personality, and goals to ensure you’re focusing on what needs to be addressed first, first, and making progress that sticks.


Holistic workflow analysis, process redesign, and temporary, hands-on support to get you working in ways that get more done in less time, waste less of your hard-earned cash, and make your customers happier, too!


Sophisticated financial auditing, cleanup, guidance, and management to get your company’s books in order once and for all and establish the stable foundation your business needs for it to sustainably scale.


One-on-one workshops with an objective sounding board to heal your analysis paralysis and equip you with the strategies, skills, and habits you need to operate your business (and life) from a place of relaxed control.

It's not work/life balance.
It's life balance.

Alone You Are Strong. Together, We Are Stronger.

No matter your company’s size or budget (yes, even if it’s just you), we work diligently to provide you with what you need to overcome your most pressing challenges and build healthy, stable growth.

Learn more about The 7 Pillars of Business Health.

Corporate-Level Strategy

Align your business with your life goals and reignite the passion you had when you first started this venture.

  • Fractal CEO

  • Business Consulting & Optimization

  • Corporate Strategy

  • Business Audit & Assessment

  • Action Planning

  • Research & Analysis

  • Offer Design & Pricing

Systems & Operations

Pinpoint where time and money are draining from your business and plug those pesky leaks for good.

  • Fractal COO | Dir. of Operations

  • Operational Design & Optimization

  • Process Design & Improvement

  • Workspace Design & Organization

  • Operational Support

  • Executive Assistance

  • Project Management

  • Digital Asset Organization & Management

Financial Design & Management

Boost profit—not just revenue—cut costs, and lay a strong foundation for steady, manageable growth.

  • Fractal CFO | Dir. of Finance

  • Financial Strategy & Design

  • Auditing & Account Cleanup

  • Bookkeeping

  • Budgeting & Personal Money Management

  • Wealth Planning  

  • Money Mindset Coaching

Marketing & Sales

Reach and speak to your ideal customer, convert views into sales, and keep them coming back for more.

  • Brand & Messaging Strategy

  • Marketing Strategy

  • Design & Development

  • Marketing Management

  • Reputation Management

  • Sales Consulting & Training

  • Customer Service Training

Personal Health & Wellness

Get more done, have way more fun, and operate your business (and life) from a place of relaxed control.

  • Time Management Coaching

  • Personal Assistance

  • Home Design & Organization

  • Certified Life Coaching

  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapy

Recruitment & Team Growth

Hire, onboard, train, and lead your staff in ways that guarantee they become long-term, value-contributing members of your team.

  • Fractal CLO (Chief Learning Officer)

  • Organizational Design

  • Team-Building & Communication

  • Leadership & Executive Coaching

  • Performance Improvement

Plus, detailed-oriented, hands-on support to ensure your business continues to run smoothly while you navigate the seasons of change.

Our services are custom-tailored to your business’s unique needs, your bandwidth and budget, and how you and your team work best.


    A thorough audit and assessment of your business, including its financial records, processes, team, and goals to identify the root cause of the challenges you’re facing, and develop a realistic, step-by-step action plan to overcome them.


    Collaborative workshops in which we discuss your most pressing challenges, brainstorm possible solutions, then educate you on the principles and skills you’ll need to solve the problems on your own now, and for years to come.


    Regular one-on-one coaching sessions where you explore the topics most important to you, get recommendations for proven tools and tactics, and create accountability as we review your progress since the last time we met.


    Independent creation of the system or tool you need, written instructions on how to use it, and one-on-one training sessions to show you and your team how to make it work and integrate it with your existing systems.

Schedule a Free Consultation